Sunday, September 27, 2020

Take the survey, what are your Salisbury priorities?

PEOPLE can be forgiven for reacting with cynicism when politicians ask us what we want. 
Salisbury’s experience suggests that even if we tell them, we usually get what our overlords think is good for us anyway. Or whatever it was they wanted in the first place. Or a fait accompli. Certain traffic and cycling schemes spring to mind. And those are just the latest examples.
But here’s a five-minute questionnaire with one difference. It comes from the Liberal Democrats. And because their chances of achieving power in this area are not all that high (sorry chaps!) we can, perhaps, take it at face value, i.e. that they actually want to know what voters think about living in this neck of the woods.
Here are some of the things it gives you a chance to voice an opinion on:
What local shops merit praise for their community spirit? What would make you buy more locally? How do you rate the performance of the NHS, the government, and Wiltshire Council?
Is Wiltshire doing enough to protect green spaces, and if not, what would you like to see?
How can we improve walking and cycling routes locally?
What are your top three priorities for the city? (It’s hardly a surprise that a bypass is currently the front runner.)
Armed with this information it is to be hoped that the party can press for improvements in the way our local government operates.
Got to be worth a try, however you normally vote. Here’s the link:

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