Thursday, September 24, 2020

Planning battle over site where 150 trees felled

THERE'S a very interesting planning battle coming up.
It involves a site in Alderbury where a developer wants to build up to 32 homes.
The thing that's grabbed my attention is that according to Wiltshire Council paperwork, about 150 mature trees were felled before the planning application was submitted.
This, understandably, has upset many people - the parish council and Wiltshire's ecologist, among others.
It means, the ecologist says, that nothing could be done about assessing or protecting the wildlife on the site, referred to as "land to the east of Wagtails, Southampton Road". Plus there is "anecdotal evidence" of some felling taking place during the bird nesting season.
The developers say that they will give every household a wildlife camera, boxes to house hedgehogs, bats and birds, a bug hotel, and Wildlife Trust membership.
The ecologist says this is "not suitable or adequate" compensation for what has already been lost.
This is by no means the only objection, and following what they call "a protracted period of discussions and negotiations" (I bet!) developers 1215 Heritage Homes have appealed to the planning inspectorate on the grounds of Wiltshire's 'failure to determine' their application.
This means that an inspector will now consider written arguments submitted by both sides and decide whether the development can go ahead.
Wiltshire's southern area planning committee are due to debate the scheme on Tuesday (September 29) and officers are recommending that they oppose it.
You can read all about it on the website by typing in the application number 19/11206/OUT on the planning section.
Or you can look up the agenda papers under the 'councillors, committees and meetings' heading. And that should also give you a link to follow the meeting live online.
Some might think there is an issue of principle at stake here. I am sure other developers will be eagerly awaiting the outcome.
But it is hard to guess whether cash-strapped councillors will have an appetite for a potentially expensive fight, or indeed what an inspector will make of it when the Prime Minister is urging the nation to build at all costs.

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